Credit Recognition and Transfer

Credit Recognition and Transfer

The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), according to the Article 6 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007, approved, in the session of its Governing Committee of February 26, 2009, the regulations on credit recognition and transfer (Normativa de reconocimiento y transferencia de créditos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid),available at the following web address:

General Regulations

UPM regulations for credit recognition in the EEES:

Regulations for credit recognition and transfer

These regulations were published on March 2, 2009, in the Official Bulletin of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (B.O.U.P.M.) and came into force on March 3, 2009. According to these rules, UPM has chosen a literal way system, which has been called “pure literalism”. This means that the student´s record should contain literally the name of subject, course, number of ECTS credits, subject type (basic, mandatory and optional) and qualification from the corresponding degree, and also the degree, the centre and the university.

The Recognition and Transfer Committee of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will be responsible for responding to requests for credit recognition and transfer from the academic committees of the centres. Composition, competences and deadlines of this committee are described in the aforementioned Regulations for credit recognition and transfer (Normativa de reconocimiento y transferencia de créditos) of the UPM.

Any clarification related to the composition of this Committee, its function and the process of the credit recognition and transfer can be found at the URL mentioned above.

Previously, the Academic Board for Master in Artificial Intelligence (Comisión Académica del Máster en Inteligencia Artificial, CAMIA) will examine the applications related to the credit recognition and transfer of students from another degrees and will conduct the corresponding reports to be submitted to the Planning Academic Committee (Comisión de Ordenación Académica, COA) of School of Computer Science. In turn, this Committee will review and forward such requests to the credit recognition and transfer committee of the UPM. 
